Welcome to The Coder Zone

Who am I?

Hello, my name is Berny Cantos, and I'm a developer. And that's fine, I'm quite proud of it. Seriously

I think programming is like a mix between science and art. You can build everything starting out from nothing. It even defies the more elemental laws of mass! Cool!

I'm also known by my nickname xPheRe which is also my profile name in and GitHub


I'll list here links to my own public repositories. I hope those will be useful to someone. To share is to care!

  • OneTimeAccessBundle PHP Symfony2 Bundle

    Easily add one-time access links to your symfony2 applications with this bundle.

  • Cache PHP Library

    Provides a unified set of tools for common caching tasks.

  • SimplexTutorial PHP Tutorial

    Code from @fabpot's "Create your own framework…" series, tagged at the end of every chapter, so you can watch the code evolve as more concepts from Symfony2 Components are introduced.

  • sf2ix PHP

    Understanding Symfony2 Framework structure and its componets through an alternate directory configuration.

  • Project Manager PHP Application System

    Allows easy management of multiple local vhosts projects for development purposes.